6 minSoftware DevelopmentValidating and generating Atlassian JWTWhen developing a add-on to cloud Jira, a usual need is to communicate with the Jira using REST API. The authentication is done using...
2 minModel GovernanceMGS integration with antivirusOne of the MGS features is to manage model-related files and documents. Of course, common and other model non-related files can be...
2 minSoftware DevelopmentFlattening Docker imagesDocker images are stored as layers. To be more precise, the filesystem is layered, so each change (RUN, COPY,…) will result in adding a...
2 minSoftware DevelopmentCaching frontend web applicationWeb applications (or websites) are often these days rendered right on the user's computer. The server just provides the application and...
2 minSoftware DevelopmentAudit trail handling with MongoDBA few years ago, we faced the important task of implementing an audit trail to the CRM web application. The term may sound fancy, but it...
3 minSoftware DevelopmentSolving the Unirest JSON parsing problem on DatabricksDatabricks Runtime is a set of common libraries you don’t have to install separately on the cluster. One of these libraries is Google...
3 minSoftware DevelopmentIs Databricks good for complex applications?Data processing is the hot thing in IT for at least the last 7 years and many interesting cloud services emerged during that time. If you...
2 minSoftware DevelopmentStarting AWS SAM folder structure (NodeJS)When I started putting together my first AWS SAM project, I was confused with the project structure - as always, when I’m starting new...
3 minSoftware DevelopmentDynamic Fields in Pentaho Data IntegrationLet's say that the ETL tool PDI isn't very suitable for dynamic data processing. But you could probably say something similar about other...
2 minSoftware DevelopmentHow to allowDiskUse in PDI Mongo stepAgregation took all memory and crashed One use-case of our CRM solution is to run custom calculations with custom ETL jobs prepared by...